Photograph of 'La Vue En Rose' sunglasses and optical frames. The optical frame overlaps the sunglasses frame. Both frames are surrounded by plastic granules.


For Pink October, which is for breast cancer awareness, Otaaki is unveiling its charitable project called 'La Vue en Rose' (Seeing in Pink). At the heart of this charitable project is the launch of a unique pair of glasses in the colors of the cause, with 20% of the profits from sales donated to the Ruban Rose (Pink Ribbon) association.

Photograph of two La Vue En Rose sunglasses frames worn by two female models. The frames cover the chests of both models.


Driven by strong human values and motivated by the desire to support the fight against breast cancer, Otaaki is embracing the cause with its charitable project called 'La Vue en Rose.' As part of this project, Otaaki is offering specially designed sunglasses and screen glasses. Normally adorned with a small green circle, to honor the cause the Otaaki logo will also be colored in support of the cause and the shape of a ribbon will be engraved either on the lens for sunglasses or on the frame for screen glasses.

Their frames and lenses are made from Tritan Renew, an eco-innovative and hypoallergenic material composed of 50% recycled content from polyester waste (e.g., colored plastic bottles). You can protect your eyes from over 40% of harmful blue-light or from the sun, while supporting an important cause and protecting the planet. What could be better than that ?

Photographie très rapprochée de la monture solaire La Vue En Rose.

20% des bénéfices reversés à Ruban Rose

Produites en édition limitée, les lunettes de cette « collection capsule » sont vendues au prix de 38€ et disponibles tout au long de ce mois de sensibilisation sur « La Vue en Rose » sera maintenu jusqu’à épuisement des stocks et les bénéfices de ses ventes continueront d’être reversés à l’association Ruban Rose, tout au long de l’année.

Parce qu’Otaaki aspirait à la création d’un projet participatif inclusif et accessible à tous, l’ouverture d’une cagnotte solidaire viendra appuyer la vente en ligne pour permettre à chacun de faire don de quelques euros à la cause, sans passer par la case « achat ». La somme récoltée via cette cagnotte sera intégralement reversée à l’association Ruban Rose, pour soutenir et financer la recherche et apporter un soutien aux personnes touchées par la maladie.

Je participe à la cagnotte
Logo and website link of the 'Pink Ribbon' association.

About the Ruban Rose association :

Founded in France in 1994 by Estée Lauder Companies France and the magazine Marie Claire, this association has a dual mission: raising public awareness through an annual information campaign – the famous "Pink October" month – and raising funds throughout the year to support research through the Ruban Rose Awards, which reward targeted project works. For more information: